Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Women of all tongue sizes....

I woke up early this morning, and came downstairs to READ A BOOK - I KNOW!!! Me, read a book....and as I thumbed through it, it turns out - I've actually finished this one before!! ;) "A Wife After God's Own Heart". So there is another tally mark for the rare "finished book" chart. Woo hoo!

It talks about the tongue. Evil little thing. A crabby, cranky, nagging, quarrelsome, complaining, ill-tempered wife is biblical. The Bad kind of biblical, though - ranks right up there with tax collectors. She writes "It not only drives a husband crazy, but it can also drive him away. To escape the constant drip, drip, drip of a wife's sour, negative words, a husband will choose to live in the attic, on the porch, on the rooftop, or even in the wilds. He would rather risk the elements, do without the shelter and comfort of home, even take his chances against the threat of wild animals than stay one more second in the presence of a belligerent wife." That's quite the power we have there, ladies!

(paraphrased from book)
My speech is to be:
**soft. A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.
**sweet. Pleasant words promote instruction and understanding.
**suitable. kind, sweet words have a medicinal effect on both body and soul.
**scant. Sometimes the most skillful use of the tongue is keeping it still.
**slow. Listen much, speak little, and not become angry.

Proverbs 25:11 A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in settings of silver.


Heth said...

Dude. That is so, so hard.

Sounds like a good book. Did you really post this a 3:38 am? You are a crazy woman.

melanie said...

second heth's - dude.. that is so hard.. hehe.
i need a tatoo on my forehead or something...
good stuff hon.

Anonymous said... a day of infamy...Why?
Because this is the first time I have ever commented on ANY blog.
Why have I waited?? ...shy,maybe...

Thanks for sharing from this book. These are hard words to hear, but we(ok, I)need to hear them, hmm...
Thanks for the encouraging paraphrase! Love that final verse. You,too! LYLAS,
your friendly wallpaper lady