Thursday, January 19, 2006


You may have to open this in a new window. No animations today!
Now look at the picture. Just pink dots, right? Stare at the middle cross
and the rotating circle turns green. I just love illusions.
Even though it's not the best illistration of it,
I love the thought that things aren't always what they seem.
A little hidden something-or-other that no one else sees.
We love to hide "the other side".
Maybe it's the thought of getting too personal.
Or maybe it would be a little too inconvenient to be held accountable.
Or could it be that we want everyone to think we have it together?
I think we all should lay it out there at the same time.
But here I could lay it all out, and come to find out there would only be 2 comments.
And that would kind of defeat the purpose.
But just so everyone knows,
I have issues, yes I do. I have issues. How about you?


Heth said...

I love your "I have issues" cheer.

It's hard to put your self out there when you aren't sure who is going stumble across it. Yikes!

Angela said...

Uh, yeah. That is great. Don't worry - I do, too. I just told Matt at lunch today that I used to be convinced I had Tourette's Syndrome (NO, it's not just compulsive swearing - it includes other physical tics, etc.). And that's just the one thing I'm willing to admit! :-)

ddsprncs said...

Thats cool! thanks for visiting my blog stop by agian I would like to have more opinions from a fellow SAHM.

Natalie Joy said...

We all have our issues. My poor children can already identify theirs. Mellie was crying one day a few months ago and someone was trying to console her. Robby's response to this was "Mellie has issues." That's what you get when mom is a social worker. And, that just might be my issue. Well, one of many.

Amie said...

I forgot to say that if you stare at this long enough, all the pink dots will disappear, and all you will see is the green one rotating.