Thursday, April 02, 2009


Turns out my hubby reads my blogs. :) He looked over the acronyms on my last post and put it to use!! As he was driving to work this morning, he was scanning the radio stations and caught a question of the morning which was "What does the acronym 'PLOS' mean when a child is chatting online or texting?" And he called in and answered Parents Looking Over Shoulder and won 2 tickets to Gallagher Bluedorn! for this. Now he's male and can't go, but winning stuff is super cool - can't beat that! :) So there ya' go - there IS a point to my blog!


Heth said...

Good work Harry!

jenni said...

Winning stuff is so much fun. I swear the only thing I've ever won is a potted plant at a church mother/daughter banquet one year when i was in jr. high but i still remember that plant dog-gone-it!!

Tina said...

are you going to go to that? I was thinking about takin Em.

Maybe we should pair up with the tweens!