Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Free Starbucks
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Distracted......and walnuts!
Set up a couple new things this week.
#1: SAVE A BUCK blog
This is my saving money blog, cuz I'm all about that. And I need a place to keep track!
#2: A Shutterfly Page
In Progress!!!
But I will post about walnuts today, anyway. We decided to gather them up this year and really USE them, cuz they are just sitting! And I like free food. So it started out with rubber gloves and this:
I wonder if my kids will become mud if they stay in it too long....
Friday, October 10, 2008
I GOT ONE! And...6 Randoms.
Sarah and Life in the Parsonage passed this award onto me for THIS post! And I am so excited!!!

And I am posting a meme today!
Here are the rules.....
1. Post the rules on your blog
2. Write 6 random things about yourself
3. Tag 6 people at the end of your post
4. If you are tagged, just do it, and pass the tag along!!
1. Heth posted this and I thought I'd put in my two cents.
The dentist....I fell asleep once....or maybe a lot more than once....the root canal a month or so ago was GREAT because they put that blanket around the tooth and around your mouth, so all you have to do is lay there and breathe through your nose.... and they aren't shoving anything else in your mouth.... or down your throat. Or that nasty orange/cherry/mint trays of goop that you have to gag on and try to suck out with that sucker-tool-thing.....Can. I. Rinse. Now. Please.
2. Thinking cheap, oh wait - not cheap - FRUGAL Christmas gifts. So, we have zipper pulls - I bought charms at Hobby Lobby for half off and some beads. And, I thought of sewing those I-Spy bags (with rice and other goofy things in it). There is a plastic window in the front, and you move the rice around to find the other items in the bag - good car toy. And we still have that fake leg out in the garage as a gag gift.....I wonder who I could give that to.
3. My daughter fell asleep tonight as we were rubbing noses. :) I laid down next to her and cuddle. And she says "I yuv you" and I say "I love you more" and she says "Yuv you most" and I say "I love you most most" and she says "Yuv you best best". And I play with her hair or sing her the fu-fine (You are my sunshine) song. She's a cuddle girl.
4. I carry a hunter's safety card in my wallet. Now, my dad and brother hunt for deer mostly. And my 2 sisters love the hunting of the deer as well. Now me? I like the process of, but not a big fan of "after the kill". They have this rule - you gut your own deer. Now. Seriously. THAT is the man's job. And what's the deal with paying an arm and a leg to process the meat? And why don't they have deer season when it is 70 degrees outside. My 3rd toe on my right foot froze off 2 years ago sitting in the woods waiting for a deer to walk by. My dad was amuzing, though - I would sit out in the woods with him again and just spend some time with him. BUT....first week of December is , ah, how you say, COLD. So my dad and all my siblings go hunting, and my mom and I take all the kids to one house and make Christmas cookies with them all. Avoidance of smelly deer insides and frozen toes? And the runny nose you get in the cold that your huge gloves can't grip so you just wipe it on your sleeves? We. Win.
5. I start too many projects at once. And don't finish them. I was doing a bible study and we were supposed to list the books we have enjoyed to read. So I thought.... And. Thought. And. Realized.... I'm not sure I've ever finished one. And in turn, realized that......I bet I know where all my bookmarks are. Have you tried looking on the bookshelf inside the books? No, didn't think of that.
6. I am a first degree black belt in TaeKwondo. I used to break boards like I now break plastic forks. I am SuperWoman! But do you think I could get all the ice cubes out of the tray and into my cup? No. Biggest loser - right here. Side note: husband was a wrestler - it's a pretty good match, but I "let" him win. every. time.
I tag anyone who needs a post idea. :)
Friday, October 03, 2008
Turn out.
Subtotal: $43.58
NOTE: I DID buy colored marshmallows for .77that was not on my list - to distract the kids from running up and down the isles. Bribery. Thanks, Heth.
4 Store Coupons: $2.91
11 Vendor Coupons: $9.80
Balance Due $30.87
Subtotal: $17.27
Vendor Coupons: $8.60
Balance Due: $8.67
$21.31 in coupons - I like that better.
That's a thirty percent off deal on groceries, I guess.
Thursday, October 02, 2008
At F:
Hamburger Helper .99
save .80/three here
Grapes .99/lb.
Betty Crocker Specialty Potatoes $1
Save .40 on one here
=.60 each
Progresso soup 3/$4
Save $1.10/three here
= .83 each (that was head, may be wrong)
Pillsbury Crescent and sweet rolls $1.50
Save $1/1, but I can't find it back to link you. :)
=.50 each
Green Giant Valley Fresh Steamers 4/$5
Save $1/1 here
= .25 each!!!
And At H:
Banquet Meals for Hubby .90
save .50/6 coupon from package
=4.90/6....., right? I so need a calcuboomer
HJ Pancake Mix 1.58
Store Coupons
.99 for 6 ct. applesauce (fits great in diaper bag)
.77 for 16 oz. Sour Cream
.88 for powdered or brown sugar
Cheerios $2
save $1/1 here, may be by e-mail
and perhaps general mills save 1.50/3 cereal from insert
=.50 per box
Oreos for Harry $2.50
Coffee-Mate Creamer 32 oz. 2.99, gotta have it
Save $1/1 here
Green Giant Vegetables (box) $1.25
Save $1/2 here
=.75 each
Pizza Rolls (for easy lunches for girls) $2.90
Save $1/1 here
Chex Mix (for craft night) $1.00
Save .60/1 here
=.40 per bag
There you have it. I'll let you know how it turns out.
I am becoming a coupon-holic. Go here or here or here or here to get a start. You may have to SIGN UP or something, but it is completely worth it - try setting up a new e-mail account if you are worried about junk mail problems and use it for coupons/promotions only. :) And don't freak out if you have to download some kind of coupon converter deal - it takes about 30 seconds and doesn't even bug down your computer. Anyone bitin'?