Yesterday, we ...... I canned tomatoes. Harry worked. All day. Left at 5:40 am and got home 8:30 pm - what a man. Put some stuff on e-Bay Sunday night - 14 items ranging from a HD torque plate set to maternity and baby clothes to a framed and matted Marilyn Monroe stamp's stated differently in the actual auction. parents came over for a few hours on Sunday - know what we did? Froze corn. All afternoon. 80 cups. They visit, and we put them to work. Isn't that nice of us? Mmmmmmmmm, sure is good in the winter time! Mom gave me her housekeeping secrets, so this week I'm trying to put them to use. Come on over next week and see if it made any difference, would ya'? If it didn't, lie. Please. :) Dad had a lot of fun with Tiffany, I think. They might even be pals now. They brought pictures from vacation and here's me and the man that takes care of me. Look closely - who's paddling and steering?? just kidding - actually, my feet and hand were just resting in the right places to make it look like I do the work, which is usually how it works out anyway.
I don't have a whole lot to say today, I guess. Just sitting here eating the "reject" cookies from the batch. It's quite possible that I ruined them on purpose. Oh, yeah! Garage sale next week - I'm having one. Anyone have stuff to sell? Lemme know! We'll put an ad in the paper and get some tables. More stuff, more people. Okay, I have to finish my chili and sweep my floor - it's not funny....I haven't cleaned it since corn and tomatoes. Aren't you glad you wasted that 4 minutes reading my blog today? lol, I know you are.